Saturday, February 21, 2004

Always Something Important to Be Doing

Morning, morning ... here she is again! Been up for awhile and had a chance to read journals. Not many comments, but enjoyed nonethless.

I decided to be one of the Journal Beta testers. We haven’t given it a full try, but we did open a new journal. We’re trying out the private feature to be read only by self(ves) - and at times, Dr. M. I want to be able to talk at length between ourselves. Hehe, believe me, we can ramble on in our thoughts with the best of them!

I heard this morning that Vivian’s already figured out how big 25,000 characters is, and that Slo is going to give special homage to the first writers of 25,000 characters that hold her interest. This journal will always be kept open and shorter for general reading. I kinda like the "me" as is being developed here. I may not be well read, but most mornings I’ve been pleased with the outcome.

Today is a perfectly good Saturday. I really like working on Saturdays. Everything is generally quiet and peaceful. We’re down to the last three business days before the State inspection. Sr. called the Center up north and found they had had the same inspector we’re going to get. He’s supposed to be a stickler for details and dates.

Today, we figure to do one more annual, one 30 day report and we’ll also do eleven ICAP tests. That’ll be like about 10 hours of work. *Sigh.*

We figure that first thing Monday, we’ll decide which of the client files are ready "just in case."  Theoretically, he’ll look at only 4 files between the other Q and me. The other Q has to be responsible for the newest client, the oldest client, and the only client with a behavioral plan. I’m officially responsible for only having the last client to have left the Center. My goal is to have at least 10 ready to be perfect and the others nearly as good. I think I can, I think I can ...


Anonymous said...

Well,ayn,if anyone can deal with a stickler,it`s you and Sister!!

Anonymous said...

Heh, I've done ICAPs before. I think they're interesting! I wish I could get a copy of the test and the program to score it, to do it on Colton. Just out of curiosity.

Anyway, I can't wait for the character limit increase, lol! I was mentioning something about it on another journal as a comment. Darn, I think I'll write it in mine..

Anonymous said...

{{{{{Ayn}}}}} I love your idea of using a private journal to add to the ways you communicate with Dr. M. The new beta journals features are great. Yep, I just had to see what 25,000 characters looked like. I'm sure glad we have copy/paste capability...otherwise I would never have tried that LOL