Sunday, February 22, 2004

A Pleasant, Pleasant Brunch

Afternoon! We’re just back from a visit with Macadam and Abby. She’s just turned three and is a wonderful, wonderful granddaughter!

There was a very big birthday party for her yesterday at one of my other son’s home. It is larger. There were about 30 people there and they barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs. Being from the North and all, the rest of the party was indoors. I don’t believe Tanner would serve alcohol, but I forgot to ask.

Macadam said it was one of the best parties ever. I’d been invited, of course, but I decline because almost all the parties are my ex-husband and his family. I feel much happier without all that, but I still listen to the stories.  It is important to the boys and this had been the family I cared of for about 15 years.

Macadam talked about the difference between his family and Lee’s. Both were at this party like others they have hosted. Macadam, I think was proud of the way his family accommodates children. The parents are available, but its mostly ALL the adults that watch over, so the kids travel in and out of conversations that are paused to include them. I liked that part of the family.

I’m very pleased with my sons for taking on already adult socializing functions. For the six young ones, Lee had prepared a project to make foam mobiles. For the "older kids," there was the computer games, and for the older folk some very good conversations. My Ex’s family always discuss "Worldly Affairs" and how the family members are doing.

The rest of the conversation was a little catch-up with his work, but mostly Macadam talked about the Fantasy Leagues he takes part in. It’s what he likes to do most with his spare time and his favorite baseball season is about to start. Somehow befell us a conversation on morality. Hehe, just brushing up on Kohlberg and his six stages of moral development.  We emailed Macadam a copy of the work! Eh, his father can take over from there... Hehehe

*Giggle*  We also talked about redirecting 3 year olds without saying the word, "no."  We figure if a child/parts does something "bad" then it's because she doesn't yet know "good."  It's the older parts job to teach, or be taught.  She's such a lovely!

Pictue -


Anonymous said...

Ayn,nice to meet you as well.
what a wonderful surprise to open my journal this morning and see that you had visited me. Much, much, thanks.
I look forward to catching up on some of your entries and you are welcome back at any time.
Love to you all,

Anonymous said...

Belated happy birthday to Abby! My niece Nicole just turned six this weekend, and we had a blast, she was so happy. The terrible threes, I have to admit I'm scared of that stage more than any other, children are so impressionable at that age!