Saturday, February 7, 2004

Workaday Soup for the Soul

We’re already at work.  The early morning went by too fast.  We enjoyed ourselves in a more leisurely walk through the J-neighborhood.  We’re hoping that tomorrow time will allow us to be visiting some new journals as well.
97% of the time, we enjoy being at the Center from the time someone opens the door til past the moment we say, “Good morning office!”  We hear that Sr. Tess is still sleeping, so Sr. Flo slipped us some homemade chicken soup for later.  Hehehe Sister Tess told her not to feed the staff.  Nuns are so gosh darn sneaky!
Usually, we don’t, but last night we left everything out on both desks.  Two separate projects going on at the same time.  The Qnotes are set up on the computer desk and medical records are set up on another.  We’re trying to get seven of our clients in for psychological evaluations (required each 5 years), so between them we have to fill in 56 pages of information requested.  That’s literally!  Eh, just got to feel the rhythm.
One of the highlights of yesterday was being able to work with the secretary.  Usually, we don’t because of interfering with Sr.’s needs, but without Sr. Tess she was running low of work.  Beauty to my ears!  We found for her a  translation chore and set her up to be copying all the seven sets of documents that need to go in with those medical records … sweet!
Sr. Tess' resting isn't sitting so well with her.  Twice she walked the long distance to our office and we received three phone calls from her.  On the last trip, she started to list out what she was going to do in her office today.  Well, that didn’t sit well with US!  *Sigh* 
We had one questionable experience yesterday.  A mother who we believe to be neglectful of her daughter called and said her doctor won’t release a medical report of a physical until her daughter’s face clears up from a rash. 
Either she is telling the truth and the doc is trying to enforce compliancy from her too, or she lied to avoid making an effort … the doc can’t skip making a report … he would have followed-up in writing. 


Anonymous said...

Glad to here Sister T is doing better. Sorry she feels the need to get back in to the Office so quickly. Hey, When do you folks take a day off? It seems to me you are always working. My Regards to each, Bill.

Anonymous said...

{{{Ayn et All}}} at work early on a Saturday morning! When do you have days off? Here's hoping you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Same question from me to all of you. It seems you work every Saturday! Do you work 6 days a week?...or are you off during the week?

Anonymous said...

stopping by to say hi - sr tess should be grateful she has so many dedicated all really took care of things for her while she was away - that should have taken a load of worry off her her to see that she has a well trained staff...good job!

Anonymous said...

Hello Dear friends, Im going to ask also. When do you get a day off? I might be wrong but I think the lady might not be telling the truth. I can't see the doctor keeping something away from telling a mother about her child.Even when reported abuse is made to a parent they are told why. i think the effort was avoided.

John G.

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like another busy day for you. I had the feeling Sr. Tess is going to be a handful as soon as she's back. You're doing a great job, Sr. Tess is lucky to have you taking care of things while she's recuperating.

Anonymous said...

woo-woo..thanks for joining the tour!