Thursday, February 12, 2004

The Gift of Self

Morning ... How is everyone today? Our body slept pretty good. We never set the alarm clock, so we are still relying on our wake-up kitty to tell us what’s coming up next and when.

Yesterday happened well. Couple of special things ... We always stop by Sr Tess’ office on our way to ours to see how she is and if there is anything in particular we should be first paying attention to. Yesterday, she kind of sat back in her chair and was smiling! She said, she’d gotten a very good night’s sleep and was finally feeling "better." She was sooo in a good mood, she even asked how we were doing. Felt humbled by this.

Other things happened. We had another Thinking Group, dealt with our monitor going down, and worked on more Qnotes.

The Thinking group was on "Love and Responsibility." This was really a wonderful part of our day. We had started our quest of having the Group do something toward the upcoming holiday of love. We have so many "lovers" in the group, they crooned over the introduction and trained all ears forward! Our material though was based on more than hand holding and secret kisses grabbed and later to become causes for incident reports to have been written. (Our poor Romeos and Juliets!)

As it turns out the Pope himself has written a book on Love and Responsibility. We listened for about an hour to an audio of Father Bob Connor talking about this and love being a gift of self through the dignity of the human person.

Father Connor refers to the Pope and St. John of the Cross when he writes:

"Faith is not a series of concepts, creeds or propositions; faith involves the gift of self. Faith is a handing over of one's very self to God. And in that handing over, a splendor veritatis, a splendor of truth, emerges wherein one is enlightened with a consciousness—not concepts—about God. Self-giving, not self-assertion, is the royal road to human flourishing. Self-giving is the way one comes into a knowledge of Jesus Christ."

So much to relinquish in the pondering of the heart.

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Anonymous said...

I understand that enlightenment. It can be brought out of our religious life and into our daily world. The faith one has in others, the failth one has in our marriage union, and the faith one has in self can and should be a consciousness of our "being". Physical world, Emotional world, Religious world all these things are cleansed and purified by FAITH.

Anonymous said...

Bill ... you speak eloquently! Thank you for having posted a comment. I will think of this through the day!

Anonymous said...

Ayn.. it's been so long since I came to visit you. I'm sorry. Been busy with projects. But I'm always amazed and enlightened when I read your entries. This one is particularly beautiful. You take the small moments of your life and make them magical with your words.

Valentine's Day is just 2 days away.... the anticipation builds.... :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great group!

And I couldn't stand not having an alarm clock, lol. I'd be late *all the time.

Glad to hear you're doing well. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, All!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweets - Ahh, the gift of self. Beautiful. :)

Anonymous said...

"Faith involves the gift of self" is probably the simplest and most profound definition of faith I have read. Faith is such a gift and a blessing, I've always envied those who had them in good measure.

Sure glad Sister Tess is in good spirits today!

Anonymous said...

Bill - thinking of your term enlightenment ... it lead me to thinking of a "lightening" of oneself (past noral Earthly burdens). The consciousness being awareness, then of perhaps truths (simple and majestic). Faith cleansed and purifying of one's world - perfect. God is!

Slo - you delight always ... We are heartened by your encouragements ... beautiful small moments ... reminds me we should stop over to see what Steven is up to!

Anonymous said...

Donna the group is a wonder ... sometime they absolutely glisten! We all worked very hard on figuring out "the gift of self" and that "self is love." Hehe - they want to jump right over to the smooching part!

Vince - You've got to be the most outspoken gazelle in the herd! Lovin you absolutely!

Anonymous said...

Free - thinking here identy and individuality and how unique each gift must be... Your gift submitted would be wrapped as a golden glowing crescent moon ... never waning!

Yeeks Muse! That be like a crysthantheum envying a tulip because at least people wouldn't misspell her! We think as if you've given yourself over to being learned and opening not only the door to your mind, but the minds of others as well! Sr. Tess ... well, that's another story... :(