Friday, March 19, 2004

Excerpts from a Note to Nadine Earlier This Morning

... we knew the mirror was going to be a pretty big deal.  But, you again held our attention with the carefulness. 

... Even though we knew the protective coverings were for our own good and the sake of the mirror.  It felt like we'd NEVER unravel it all fast enough.  We were being very careful, but the anticipation was sooo great!  Shoot, shoot ... crying again...

Nadine ... I love the mirror!  It took a while to take it all in though.  First thing we noticed was how thin and light she was.  Then we saw the clearness of color and changing images of the outer open mirror frame.  Then we trained the mirror steadily and found ourselves looking directly into the inner square.  We sometimes have trouble looking at things directly, so it took us a few moments to look past our image.  Our face changes with the differences of parts out, but this part viewed was deeply invested in the discoveries.  We, had to open our view to take in then next parts and the next.  It was like ... we hadn't been a part of the planning at all.  We weren't thinking of Sr. Tess at this moment.  We were more like in awe of just what we saw before us.  We saw one cross, then looked across and noticed there were two crosses.  This made us smile again and the smile was noted in the mirror.  We thought what straight, strong lines and we followed them each in turn to see how each joint was complete.  We remember then riveting our eyes from the white to the brown and being curious of their differences not only in color, but as well in clarity.  We could "see" something of the red in the rose, but we couldn't look at it all at once.  We were feeling overwhelmed in emotion.  But, as one moment meets another we couldn't help but shift our eyes to be seeing it.  Everything was and feels like now to be in slow motion.  We know we also looked carefully at the name, though we were seeing it all one letter at a time without being able to concentrate on the whole words all together.  When we looked at the S, there seemed to be some recall of having seen this before ... same with the rose.  We'd recalled how gracefully we thought the petals ... playful! 

Picture -


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness.... Thank you SO much... The letter was wonderful... You have a knack at making me cry! LOL! (but I'm ok now) ;o) I can't thank you enough for your kind words... You have made my day... And WEEK, for THAT matter! ;o) I'm so happy that Sr Tess liked it... and I feel such great joy, that you got that hug. :o) Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Anonymous said...

how beautiful - both the mirror...and your words al....

Anonymous said...

Flora is right, Ayn...Beautiful Mirror and Beautiful Words!!!