I wanted to make another notation of something on a somber note of sadness.
Yesterday, we went to the wake of one of our clients father. It was an unexpected heart attack. They left at 2 am this morning to bury him next to his mother in Mexico. Our client was very close to her father, but only has a mental age of five. She was happy to see Sr. Tess and I at the funeral parlor and wanted us right away to "go see." She kept repeating the doctor shot him with a needle and now he was cold. She repeated many times, "see, hes cold ... touch him, hes cold."
The family apparently told her that he was sleeping. I am figuring that when it comes time the real understanding, if ever these things can be understood, is going to be very harsh and overwhelming to her. The mother is also very fragile. They'd been married for 43 years and he took care of all the families important matters. Please keep this individual and her family in your prayers. God be with them and with yours.
ah, such tough times for maria and her family - of course, she will be kept in my prayers...
Thank you Flora ... And, I apologize to anyone who might be getting a garbled message of symbols. This entry was fine on my home computer, but unreadable at work. I'm sorry. Ayn
I'm very sorry to hear about your client's father, Ayn. :(
Ah, the garbled symbols. There is something very poetic and beautiful about the way they are arranged on the page, still. Hope to hear the story soon.
Looks like DNA found at Flora`s!!!!
{{{{{Ayn}}}}} I cracked the 'code' and read the story. How sad.
Thanks Vivian for being you. Sometimes I wish you all could meet the people I work with ... can't help feeling their ups and downs with them. This one is particularly hard ...
Sneaky on the code ...I figured out what you might have done ... Just copy/pasted into word, and all my words came back! Sneaky, sneaky ...
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