Saturday, March 27, 2004

Visiting with Dr. M.

The last couple of sessions with Dr. M., Casey (7 years) and Annemarie (12-13 years) have been out the most.  Anna was out this last time (4 years) and we’re not sure about the one who makes "the sounds," but we’re wondering if it couldn’t be Crystal (2 ½ years). We’ve also thinking that the one who is making our body rock is Marie (timeless). 

Casey still seems to be a portal for the others and she's been worrying. She’s not sure of her position of "sitting next to the others," but is working through her fears with Dr. M. She's afraid others will be more likeable than her. She knows now that KC (9 years) is spending more time with Annemarie or just away, so she is having to be a little more self reliant.

Annemarie isn’t tolerating much including Dr. M. She appears to be answering some of his questions, but is battling with him over her reality. I don’t think she is clear on the difference of past and present. Most of her time appears to be spent in a dark corner. She seems to be very stubborn and crabby and will take to flight easily. We do think she is trying hard, but the issues that she seems to be dealing with might be very difficult.

At first, Anna seemed to be more fearful, but this last time out, she was bolder. It’s unusual for anyone in "our system," but we think she was playing. She was able to look around the room and she appears to be more accepting of it than some of the others. She noticed a crystal ball on Dr. M’s desk and took delight in looking at it.  She appears to stare at/study things including his hands.

The one who makes sounds is more worrisome to us. She only makes a sound like "uh, uh, uh." I’m not sure if she’s presented herself fully. I think she’s coming out more on the edge of some of the others. It is like she wants time out, but is pretty unsure.

Many of the older parts like me (Corey 28 years) seem to be just observing. Jamie (about 32) seems the closest to the Casies and Crystal, but Ann and Ayn (both 44 years) watch over them. Annemarie seems closest to Casey and KC ... and she’s close to Anniemi (15 years) who is looked after by Kate (about 45 years). Anna seems to be mostly aware of Sarah and Henry (both early 20's) and they’re watched over by Jesse (50 years). 

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Anonymous said...

Hey Sweeties. RC here.
Just stopping by to let you know I'm thinking of you and hoping you're enjoying the weekend. Big Hugs to all,

Anonymous said...

what color eyes does everyone have? just curious..

can't say your life (lives) aren't interesting..thats for sure..hugs to all..

Anonymous said...

Corey,thanks for telling us about etal. Dr. M sure seems like a wonderful person.

Anonymous said...

You guys are the nicest ... Floralilialila they're somewhere between blue and hazel :)

Anonymous said...

{{{{{Ayn et al}}}}} I feel like I really know the system better after reading this entry. I love the picture you just felt like the perfect room to meet everyone in. Here's wishing you all a wonderful remainder of the weekend and a great week ahead.

Anonymous said... is one of my newest favorite sites. And I'm sometimes confused at how you keep so much together, that you contain and hold so many various things going on internally. It's amazing to me.

Anonymous said...

Big hugs to everyone. And I have to say Jamie, that was a surprising comment you left on my journal about the M&Ms. =P

Anonymous said...

and mine are mostly green - but depending on the color of shirt i wear - can change to bluish...