Sunday, March 7, 2004

The World as it Seems to Be

Morning, morning ... We’d ask how all you are doing, but we just peeked! Seems like there is a "wanna-be-fit-and-trim" thing starting up here in J-land. We’re still at the stage of internalizing the rumor that 2 for $3 Whoppers maybe not so great a deal...

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I had the work place to myself. I took some time clearing off my desk from the work of the night before on the Technology Report. Then we took a couple of hours to finish work on the Client Files project of "goals and objectives." Not so bad...

The rest of the day we concentrated on just one individual. I love to see the progress over a year’s time. This particular individual was one of the higher functioning people of the group. He had in reality lost one job over the year and gained another, so with that came the ebbing and flowing of his self esteem.

In the process, he became someone’s "house-husband." It’s a new term we’ve come up with when one of our "passive males" gets hit on by one of the more aggressive females.  Heheh it’s a process that happens all the time amongst the individuals we work with. It's very similar to courting rituals of all living species. I should be like doing a sociological study of this phenomena.

"Yes, and here we have an unsuspecting male foraging for dear and antelope and football games!" He does not know that the female of the species lays in wait for her "available sweetie!" "Ah, there is one!" claims she. 

The young lady primes her gentleman friend so that he feels on a cloud of thin air. She builds his ego, then after he is comfortable and starting to settle into the role of King, she brings out the big clubs and begins the process of knocking him into the "shape," she so designates. It’s not always a pretty site!

But, a young male in his prime can withstand this debolicking (my dictionary doesn’t offer suggestions for this word either). Basically, the task is learning to say, "No!" to pretty and sometimes gifted females of the species while claiming a right to breathe. He has to format this negative response to pleas, tears, anger, and intellectual debate. Ahh, what a flurryish world we live!

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Anonymous said...

" Oh What A World We Live In " Rufus Wainwright
Vince.... PS., Love your French Cave Painting!!

Anonymous said...

yes, but can he cook? i love a man who can cook....

Anonymous said...

Interesting..I married a man who was talented in the "house husband" role and I loved it..we were married 30 years til death us did part. Funny how people don't understand it. He was kind, gentle and couldn't deal with the cold cruel world...I never saw myself as aggressive tho..certainly abhor the clubs and beatings you describe :) I am the dreamy pisces..whom people think can't face reality. Stronger than we look! ~Barb

Anonymous said...

hmmmm. you angry at the female species??

Anonymous said...

Great question Babyshark ... We noticed the pattern with our clients and took the defensive side of the male this time. There are balancers ... it seems often if the male finds the female not responsive to sexuality, he will back off. Mostly, I wrote this though in noticing my own pursuits with father, exhusband, male friends, and sons. Seems like I'm always trying to convey, "how it should be ... things would be better if..." Can't seem to break the habit ... :(

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of a saying, or should I say a joke I read somewhere: "Behind every successful man is a woman rolling her eyes." =P