Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Medical Tests Ahead

Mornin ... We slept pretty good last night, though we were up a couple of times. First time, we realized that we hadn’t taken our evening medicines and the second time we figured, eh ... we could use a little more sleep. That be the way it were ...

We had a fairly good day. We were able to maintain adult parts with Dr. M. which is unusual for us of late. We’ve not anything against younger parts out in therapy, but there has to be time to talk about "big people" stuff too. Most of that turned out to be about work and medical. Dr. M. is the only one we can really talk to openly about the things that we are doing. We’ve never done any kind of work, he couldn’t understand. And, the medical part needed some time and attention because the heart test is at 1 pm today.

Part of that deal was that we had to listen to the fears of the younger parts that had already spoken which meant going to the store and buying some shorts. We did that last night too, though I think that the cost was more than we’d expected. It wasn’t a simple trip for shorts, it became a big trip to buy many new dresses and under things. *Sigh* Did we mention before our lack of wardrobe changes? Hehe 

I think there were 6 dresses all told, plus the shorts. We’re pleased with what happened and it was fairly quick. We knew that this store had a great big comfortable chair next to the registers, so we were able to sit after the back started aching. And, the dressing room had a very large bench and chair. It was a nice size room. The other nice part is that we seemed to hit our size right off the bat, so we made our choices all in one trip. *Giggle* we also know our "style" of clothing. If you didn’t make the first cut, you weren’t going to be purchased!

Right before we went shopping, we went to the bank. That felt pretty good to get out of the way, plus it was at the grocery store, so we picked up a few things. Our surprise purchase was a mixed bag of two kinds of apples and some oranges. There was one sweet purchase, but it was smaller than normal. Just a half dozen glazed donuts. *Sigh* Always compromises to be made?

There were a variety of chores taken care of at work. Never as much as one would like, especially because after Monday doctor appointments, we come in two hours late. We worked a good part of the day on utilizing our new job descriptions and compiling a new scheduling format. The other one was in the right direction, but this one is very complete. We took care of enough matters to get a good amount of "powder blue" notations. That makes us feel good. Means things are getting done!

We added a new element at the back of each notation in the form of a status line. We were surprised at how many of them are put in a "waiting" category. Not all though, one was marked urgent. And, the neat part? We actually spent time working instead of avoiding it. Wonders never cease! Hard to avoid those Qnotes ...

So, that pretty much wraps up that day. Just on to the new one. We’re thinking that we may take our shower early and go in to work a half hour early to see what might get done. We figure we’ll have to take off at about 11:30-11:45. Maybe we’ll stay long enough to help Sr. with all the microwaving. It’s chore to get all the client lunches heated up even with four machines. We’ll have to see.

It’s going to be a tough afternoon. And, it’s one of those things where you can’t eat or drink for awhile before the tests. I believe it to be three hours which isn’t bad, except that with the diabetes we sometimes get a little warbly without food at regular intervals. We’ll see. Maybe just for today, we might pack a candy bar? Hmm, ok maybe just an orange juice ... tough crowd!


Anonymous said...

Etal, I`m glad you`re getting the test over with,,,Prayers!
Hey, New Wardrobe!!!   Good for all of you!
[[[ hugs ]]]

Anonymous said...

hope all of your tests go well ayn...glad you expanded your wardrobe too!  it's nice to have a little change of scenery now and then, eh?  

keep us posted with the results....

Anonymous said...

i hate shopping for clothes.  You're smart to try the "dressing room".  I usually buy and try at home and then take back what ai don't like.  I hat those dressing room mirrors! *grin*