Saturday, May 22, 2004

Preliminary Results in :)

Morning ... We were up 3 times, but kept going back to bed. I only have a few moments now before going back to work, but I wanted to get in a quick update.

I talked to Dr. M. yesterday afternoon. There were two preliminary reports in the University’s computer system. Basically the reports indicated that my heart is categorized as Level I meaning that the tests showed, "no symptoms and no limitation in ordinary physical activity."

Although the reports indicate that I exercised for only a total of 5 ½ minutes at 2.5 mph/12% grade, they say that we earned 7 METS which is supposed to be pretty good. I had to end the test because of fatigue. That doesn’t seem so good, but then again, we knew 5-6 minutes of exercise would be a limit for us.

My blood pressure is very low (95/57) and the tests indicated that we raised it with exercise 74% (139/79). Our heart rate went form 86 to 131. I still have questions if the blood pressure is too low, because the cut-off seems to be 90/60. But, for now ... low seems good.

The test showed that my left ventricle is of regular size and function and that the EKG I started with was not significantly changed from what I’d ended with.

We were disappointed that the tests read, "technically limited study, difficult images, systolic pressure, not fully seen, and low voltage precordial lead, but Dr. M. says this is a normal range of things to happen during this kind of test and that it doesn’t invalidate the test.

And, were a little concerned with a line that reads, "indication: IHD or ischemic heart disease," but we’re not sure if that was an indicator to take the test, or was a result of the test. Same kind of question with the line that read, "negative for inducible ischemia" I didn’t know then if we were cleared for ischemia that wasn’t induced.

When we asked Dr. M. He said that the test didn’t prove or disprove the previous test results indicating a possible heart attack. We’re of the impression now that there was one, but for the time being our heart looks pretty good. Dr. M. says that we are going to need to have a regular medical person read the test results and that maybe because they were preliminary a heart specialist might look them over too.

Shoot, really need to go right now ... maybe later I can write about our first reaction and our current reaction toward all this. We’ve still got a lot on our mind. Be taking care of the day. :)


Anonymous said...

etal, sounds like GREAT results!!

Anonymous said...

OK, I read what you wrote about the results but, how do you feel? I hope this is all a little extra caution and that you will be fine.  Regards, Bill.

Anonymous said...

ok, From what I read, this is a good thing.  I feel that worries are for naught.  Remember to keep your head above the waters so you can breath in the fresh air.  I think you all are fine.  Blessed be....

Anonymous said...

The results seemed good, I'm glad to hear that.  Because there seemed to be some unclear results, are you thinking of taking them again?

Just to be on the safe side, I strongly urge you to go to a heart specialist.  There is no such thing as overreacting when it comes to your health, especially your heart.