Thursday, May 6, 2004

Toward Order and Foward Movement

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Mornin ... mornin ... We woke up early enough, but found ourselves checking out the j-block. Some pretty big things happening out there both good and bad, depending on who you are visiting, particularly in the area of jobs and relationships. Today, we will thank the big G for allowing us "stability" in those arenas.  We figure though to add some more prayers tonight.

Let’s see major events of the day? Hmm, Thinking Group would be one, then we subbed for an hour, did lunch, and umm something ... Oh, I know we cleared the desk of two days muss, started studying Staff Training and revised our schedule for the new responsibilities. Think we did some minor paper stuff too. There was some intake in there and we took pictures for one of the groups ... everyone’s working on Mother’s Day. As far as Sr. Tess news? Maybe nothing more special than the normal "check-ins." She’s filling me in with news all through the day.

This is how she’s lookin on a weekly schedule ...

2 hrs. Dr. M

5 hrs. Preparation (Sr. T., mail, client issues, immediate problems)

2 hrs. Update/Check Files

5 hrs. Lunches (client/ours)

1 hr. Thinking Group Preparation

2 hrs. Thinking Group & Summary Notes

2 hrs. Staff Training Preparation (Reading/Outline)

2 hrs. Staff Training & Summary Notes

4 hrs. Qnotes (Writing/Preparation) per 24 clients/month

8 hrs. Annuals (*Preference Interview, *Observation, Creating Goals, ICAP, Report, Objectives, Chart, Agenda/History, Meeting) per 4 clients/month

3 hrs. Intake/Problem Solving - Staff & Computer

8 hrs. **CARF

4 hrs. **Program Development

48 hrs

* Secretary to Assist

** Accommodation would have to be made for On-the-Job Training (80 hrs @ 12 hr weeks for 7 weeks)

Shoot, we forgot we have a behavioral/human rights meeting, an administrative meeting, a staff meeting, and a Chicago South Network meeting. I guess on those days, whatever is in its place will get canceled. Most these meetings are either monthly or quarterly.

We figure there is really not enough time for anything in-depth, particularly scheduling in reading time with all the new books we expect to be getting. So we’re thinking even though we might not go in to work on Saturday, most Saturdays we will be working none-the-less. Today when we go in, we’re going to figure out on the calender how each of these things are going to happen.

One of the changes is to do Qnotes in groups of 6 per week and that we were also given the added responsibility of On-the-Job Training. Fortunately, we’re only expecting to get one new employee, though there were rumors that two of the DSPs wanted to quit and get new jobs. *Sigh* That be like 21 weeks of training or 240 hours. Yeeks, that might throw me! Eh, what’s life without a little more finely-tuned structure?

We figure that about 22 hours is work being directed by client needs and the other 26 is being directed more by program needs. We’re going to have to be very organized to get it all in the way it should be proper. We’re thinking that we’re going to need to start using the calendar again and sticking to it rather than splurging in long periods of time over issues.

We’ll have to be planning out the Annual Report too pretty soon. The client’s each have an annual report written, but this one is the Agencies Annual Report. It’s usually done late May, early June. Man-o-man ... I suppose the good thing is that the client’s annuals don’t start til July, so in all respect that 8 hrs/week can go toward the other report, same with Staff Training ... that will start in July too.

Just gotta budget out now that I’ll be out for maybe up to two weeks. Hmm, better figure on some home work. Think the only other major impeding circumstance right now is to get out the Performance Analysis. This is mostly written, but will be over 50 pages when we’re through. The Agencies Annual Report is like 10-12 pages.

Yep, yep ... serious work ahead. Deep breath ... time to be getting to it then! Look forward to next meeting up with you all in your own entries or comments. Great support network here that sometimes we feel hesitant to leave if only from this point to when I get to work and turn on the Internet access there. Could have never guessed this kind of life 20 years ago, eh? :)

Hey - almost forgot to mention one of the goofy details of yesterday ... Seven females started crying all at the same time during the Thinking Group.  Man-o-man couldn't have planned that.  Maybe we could say that they have needs for attention?  Chain-reaction ... one went down, then the next, and next etc.  Makes ya wonder ... what would Vince have done? :)  He be the best lady pleaser!

Picture -


Anonymous said...

My goodness, your schedule is stressing me out! lol  Well, good luck with getting it all done. :-)

Cute picture, too.

Anonymous said...

You are making me tired just reading all the things you are doing. I guess I'll take a nap. Keep up the good work so I don't have to do it. My Regards to All, Bill.

Anonymous said...

Great Pic!    etal, Are you getting paid for 48 hours....are you scheduled for saturday?   I know you need the money.   I hope so.   Seven crying females?  LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hehe - we're going to go official salary, but the figure is based on 48 hours.  Officially, she wants 7:30 am-6:00 pm M-T-W-F, and 7:30 am-4:00 pm Th.  (Doc Appointment)  Saturday's not scheduled, but I'd be lost without something to do.  I'm going to try and keep the work at work, and use it for reading/writing on all these great books we're going to try and get.  Just depends on efficiency.  

As far as seven crying women ... ?  It was wild!  We had the ones who were crying, the one's who were doing all the hugging of the cryers, and those inbetween who were lookin as confused as me.  Started by someones mention of a birthday on the calendar, to mother's day on the calendar, to a couple who have had mothers that have died, to all these people wanting extra hugs.  Just wild ...