Saturday, May 8, 2004

Sour Grapes ... you can skip this one

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Mornin... Hmm, I think? We’ve slept in too much this morning. Have kind of a teeny headache. There’s a suspicion it may have something to do with the bottle of wine that was drunk before bedtime. Hmm.

Ok, past that. Didn’t have such a good day at work. The Internet and my printer were still down. I was able to print out my charts on the other Q’s computer (She had Excel and her printer wasn’t connected via cable.). So that part was good.

Right after that, we were connected directly to the Administration meeting, then lunches, then Staff meeting, to a meeting with a DSP to the decision to leave at the early time of 4 pm. We were kind of feeling negative and didn’t want it to affect other things.

I think we are a pretty vain person. Because we’re still having problems with the not receiving a thank you for the work done on CARF. We’re thinking that Sr. Tess is still too angry at the whole thing and at me in particular for "shining" in front of the surveyor.

During the meeting with the staff, she went over carefully the minutes from CARF exit interview. She skipped over the part where the surveyor told us that he was giving us an exemplar for the work done on the Business Improvement Reports, or that he'd offered us a job. It was the same for the other positive comments given. She just plain skipped them.

She also made special reference notes to the part where she had sent in her comments of the surveyor’s work. They were all negative. It seems she took no responsibility for her negative attitude toward him throughout the process. And, she didn’t ask me to fill out the survey. Last time we had CARF, she gave all the Administration Team a copy of the survey to fill out.

Sister Theresa said at the meeting that the staff had contributed and done well, although she’d complained about them throughout the year and through the survey in particular. She said that when we heard from CARF and if we’d pass that they would be treated to a "pizza" party.

I feel very much the spoil sport. I thought of the hundreds of hours I put into the CARF preparation compared to their 15 minutes interview with him. We’re taking that kind of hard. Last time there was a "pizza party" for the staff too, but she’dtaken the AdministrationTeam out for a real dinner as a way of saying thanks. She saidthis time there would be no dinner.

I feel flattened. I think her not saying, "good job," or "thank-you" is intentional and biting. I won’t be attending the "pizza party." I protest.

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Anonymous said...

I was just saying I'm surprised by how tired I am - but then it dawned on me that I had a vodka martini and some chocolate cake last night.  I just can't seem to wake up and shake it today.  And here you are, after a bottle of wine.  I hear ya!  As for the protest, I'm in full support.  It makes a world of different to be recognized for your efforts.  This seems insensitive of them.  Just remember, no one is the keeper of your worth - 'cept yourselves!  :D

Anonymous said...

You know, There are times when we need to stand up for ourselves. I think this may be one of them. It is my opinion that you should ask the Sister for a private meeting and tell her exactly what you have said here. If nothing else it should make you feel better that she know she is "smacking you around emotionally" and that you know she is doing it on purpose. You might also tell her of all the hard work you put in out of loyalty to her and that you think she should show some to you also. I do not think this is a "Sour Grapes" situation. I have spoken!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's vain to expect and desire congratulations for a job well done.  You worked hard, you did your best.  You deserve some sort of recognition for that.  Unfortunately, you can't FORCE someone to give it to you. This causes frustration and resentment.  Eventually, you have to let that go or it'll eat you up.  You did a great job, hon.  I'm sure, deep down, Sr. Tess knows this as well.  She's probably just feeling inferior since you "shined" in front of the surveyor, making her seem less "shiny".  Hopefully she'll come to her senses, cool off, and give you the recognition you deserve.  ::smile::

P.S.  Never skip pizza because of someone else's stupidity!  LoL  You could have taken your slices HOME in protest!  :P

Anonymous said...

etal, you know how I feel `bout this situation and how Sr. Tess is threatened by you....Even Sisters are not Saints!!.......Please, go to the pizza party!.......

Anonymous said...

This may not be the same as coming from Sr. Tess, but....


(Sr. Tess may still be in the grieving process for her mom, too.)

Hugs from Oregon - Tammy