Wednesday, February 4, 2004

All My Prayers

Mornin ... We’ve pretty much worked our way through the first morning hours. We were looking through children’s books for a friend. Lot’s to think of in finding just the right ones.

Yesterday, went by without too much mishap. Though I can’t say that getting work done was easy. We had trouble concentrating. Things seem so different without Sr. Tess at her desk. We get along with Sr. Flo very well, but it’s not the same to see her where OUR Sr. Should be! And, Sr. Flo was always on the phone. OUR Sr. Doesn’t use the phone except for 3-4 minute business calls.


Ok, take it up a level...

After work, we went by to visit Sr. Tess in the hospital. We waited until we saw that the dinner trays were collected, then we had the nurse ask her if she was receiving guests. The nurses acted like nobody ever does this. Maybe they don’t have many Sr. Tess’ around?!

I saw a Sr. Tess, I’d never seen before. She was laying down and looked swallowed up in the bed. She had trouble moving due to her weakness and she didn’t seem able to find a comfortable position. She had an IV, but also sipped cool water, she was hot, then cold. She was having trouble breathing and we had to strain to hear her voice. She’s not eating or resting well either. They were mentioning virus’ during the day, but nothing concrete except she was very low on salt and her potassium was off. Lot’s of tests.

Sr. Tess was talking as if she’d be coming home today, but we are clearly guessing no one else has that in mind. The diagnosis is not even complete! It seemed right to be there, though of course there were the frets of "you didn’t have to come!" Right, right ... like I think of much else?? We stayed about a half hour. At that point, she gave us our cue to leave.

We let her do most the talking, but we were always ready with the next comment or question. We slowed our pace way down. She was troubled by the part that none of the nursing staff seemed able to smile. So, we tried to make up ... but, our tears found us anyway. She was critical of her age. She said it was too noisy to pray, but then when I got up to leave ... she reminded me that all you can do is live by faith.


Anonymous said...

That was really nice of you,all of you.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope that "your" Sister Tess will be feeling better soon. I will insure that she is mentioned in my prayers. I know you all will look to her needs and insure she is well cared for. My Regards, Bill.

Anonymous said...

In spite of the friction that you and Sister Tess have sometimes, it's evident that you deeply care for her. I'm sure she appreciated it, even though she was coyly saying you didn't have to. Sigh, it seems less and less medical personnel have good bedside manners nowadays. They are overworked, but a smile can do a lot for a person who is ill or recovering from illness.