Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Enough's Enough ... Please

Good morning ... There is now new kitty food (the canned stuff) in the house and they are just being the happiest gallivanting kitties you’d ever seen. Hmm, maybe between that at least and leaving the balcony door open. They like that!

We heading down the back stretch at work. It’s not without some pressures and stress. Today will be our last day to prepare. The State Inspector who is expected tomorrow morning at 9 am and as we start the Thinking Group. I think we’re going to do the group on moral decisions. 

We had another Doc M. appointment before work. But, it’s sometimes difficult going from one frame of mind back into the work frame. We’re figuring a good portion of the meeting went to Anniemi, the next to Annemarie, and the last to Casey.

Anniemi talked about her anger that is being focused on the good doctor. I’m not sure though why she’s angry. At this stage, it wouldn’t have to be much. Shoot, not sure why anyone was out yesterday. Shouldn't I have access to this information?

At work we had problems with the printers. Our Internet is down and we’re thinking it is affecting the network connections between the 12 computers in back and three printers. This just isn’t my field. Hopefully, this morning there will be help. But at least Sister’s printer is working, so we can always print out from there.

We lost our patience at one of our peers, the other Q. She’s been building up a pattern of answering the Center’s phones and not transferring over my calls. She’s pretty sure she can handle my business. This isn’t going over well and she was caught dead-handed talking to an important call I was expecting from the University doctor in regard to seven of my client’s psychologicals.

This has been a two month battle. We kind of exploded on her. She is always defensive , loud and obnoxious. We just yelled louder. It lasted only 3-4 minutes. Then we put our hands up in the air, said, "Enough, Stop!" and walked away. It had felt beneath us to have shouted, especially in hearing range of others. Today will be better and by tomorrow this particular inspection be over??

Picture - http://www.clipsahoy.com/webgraphics2/as1819.htm


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the inspection,Ayn.....Hope Saturdays can be off!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck tomorrow. I know that as organized as you all are this is going to be "smooth sailing" for you. Hello to All. Bill.

Anonymous said...

That Q sure is irritating, isn't there anything Sister Tess can do about this?