Ahh, this morning, be a late sleep in morning. Was up later than normal. Hehe received chocolates, roses, AND cookies! *Sigh* Good day too ... we were processing the work well.
We had a couple important conversations as well. One was late in the afternoon with Sr. Tess, then later with our friend. Later this morning, we are going to be driving Sr. Tess to see her mother. Sr. Tess doesnt drive and her normal driver is on vacation. We usually like driving with Sr. Because of the conversations. She is a little less formal.
We talked more of me becoming her companion. She presents the problems and we try to find our way past the difficulties. Shes saying it wouldnt work because of changes that would need to be made. We talked instead about changes we were wanting to make now.
Whether or not we would ever get to do as weve proposed, there are some important ideas and thoughts that happened in consideration of the proposal. Freee helped us here in saying that we didnt need to live in a convent to make these happen.
The first thing wed like to do and was talked over with Sr. Tess was in converting from being a Lutheran to being a Catholic. Weve talked of our Catholic connections through life. Its seemed that throughout our adulthood Catholicism has been the forefront religion and I have much trust in their theologians.
I know I could be living a better life grounded in something I can believe in. I dont think I can live up to all the doctrines, but Im willing to listen. The hardest being the values of sexuality and marriage. Eh, there is a lot to take in. Just were at a point in our life where these things have become more important to us.
Sr. Tess was supportive and she said that shed make a few calls for us in the finding of a "good" priest ... hehehe Apparently, even Nuns have their favorites! We know we have a lot to learn in the area of community, but wed like to know a priest thats very knowledgeable and has good abilities to teach.
Chocolates.........Roses..............Cookies.!!!!!!!!!Good for you!!!!!!!!
Dear Ayn, some of my keys are not working.Need to get a new keyboard.Will send Email when it is fixed. But wanted to say, I became a Catholic after I had my children. Mass is one of the things I miss most.Too hard with wheelchair.Much Love,Sandy Fatcatskinycat
It's good to hear that you are taking your faith into a deeper walk. I feel the same way..I was raised in a Protestant home. My G'father was a preacher, and a great man. However, I've felt Catholicism pulling my heart and soul for about 5 years now. I just have to decide to make the final commitment. Stephen's father was raised as Catholic. Keep us posted. Love, Mia
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