Monday, May 3, 2004

And, Out Amongst the Pillarless Ruins of a Weekend Past, we find ...

Mornin ... mornin ...

Not much in the winds today yet. Just found the nicest note over at Bill and Libby’s place though ... that kinda makes me feel warm and squishy! Thanks special loves!

We played around most the day yesterday ... we’re apt to spend many hours hangin around our keyboard. Meet some very neat people that way. I read from one in particular ... really great person with a heart of gold. Ah be it another lover of depth and meaning!  (And, for those who count these things - there are dogs and at least one such puppy involved!!)

We find great enjoyment in quiet days as there has been over the last few. Periodically, we’ll get up to eat or use the washroom, pet one of the kitties, or some like-mannered task. But, really into gaining a sense of learning from people met on our quieter path. So, with that thought in mind, we looked back over what we’ve been reading and sensing.  We're thinking composite here.

It started off lightly enough ... the group, in general, had been asked to write out answers in regard to bad advice received and given. I didn’t read over the specific responses, but we’re guessing that this might have put some of the writers into a melancholy, if not embarrased state. The group often is found in that outfit that allows heart to be viewed from sleeve.

I think the people on my list are naturally quite giving and would trade themselves for the pain of another in any which way this could happen.

People in this group are not apt to give themselves up freely though, they want answers to questions about life’s blessings and "unfairities." They ask the question, "Why?" The people I hang with both work hard and play hard. They know how to capture life’s beauty and are methodical in their ambitions.

Though, with spring comes an abundance of love found and lost. The broken-hearted weighing in most heavily on our soul.

It is a toss up between those who are overwhelmed and those who seem to be encouraged by the burdens placed upon them. This is humanity’s win/loss  comic/tragedy. Some of the group will respond in anger while others hold tightly their keen humors. The gallant and talented hang out amongst the bed-fellows of intelligence and heart-felt fragility.

Beyond all this, we see something that is quite unique inand ofitself.Our fellow journalers seem to be brave hearted, hopeful, and proud. They accept their part and adapt to whatever life shall next bring. We say, "Vive la Bunch!"


Anonymous said...

I say   vive l`etal!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad things have been pleasant for you lately!  I also wanted to say thanks for the nice comments over in my journal. :-)  I shouldn't have taken so long to check back in with you.

Anonymous said...

very nice comment - you DO have a way with words.  Sorry I haven't been by; computer's been on the fritz and got a new full time job.  I'll be writing about it in my journal later.  Happy day!!!!