Saturday, January 3, 2004

Don't Dare Pinch Me

Sometimes I wake up worrying about things.  One of the things that CARF asks you to do is to get an idea about the dangers in your neighborhood.  This seemed reasonable enough. 


So, we started looking around.  I’m pretty good about getting around on the Internet.    

Apparently, the police in our city are doing something new.  Because of freedom of information laws in affect, they are now giving the public a Crime Report for Our police "Beat" and other "Beats" around the city.      
The center is within the pink lines.  The red circles represent robberies, batteries, assaults, and weapons violations.  The green squares represent thefts, damage, and burglary.  The blue triangle represents narcotics, and the red/yellow circle represents domestic violence. 
Thing is … the 25 crimes charted (see below) represent only the two weeks from December 14 through December 27, 2003.  I forwarded the information to Sr. Tess.  She said, “Oh that’s not so bad!”  REALITY!??  
Armed robbery:handgun, simple battery, theft:Over $300, Simple assault, criminal  damage to vehicle, telephone threats, simple battery, poss:cannabis less that 30 gms, attempt robbery:armed-handgun, crim trespass to land, aggr assault:other dang weapon, unlawful use other dangerous weapon, armed robbery:other dangerous weapon, simple assault, automobile, automobile, armed robbery:other dangerous weapon, violation order of protection, criminal damage to vehicle, criminal damage to vehicle, armed robbery:handgun, burg:forcible entry, simple battery, theft:$300 and under, theft: $300 and under.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fear-based honey. You're as safe as you feel. Yes, educate yourselves so you can take care of yourselves...but please don't worry. Don't let this piece of information change your course of action. What about all the "good" that happened in that block during those two weeks? How about all the saved lives, full bellies, births, love? [I'm not denying the negative and the horrible things that happen...just keeping perspective] xo