Tuesday, January 20, 2004

What to Do When Thinking/Feeling Overwhelmed

Let’s see … what happened yesterday.  Hmm, we were working on an old familiar analogy we’d used that is helpful to us.  We keep an extra imaginary filing cabinet for our thoughts and feelings.  I know it might seem a little strange … but not really.
First you write your thoughts out on documents (mentally or on index cards, sticky pads, or small scrap paper).  For each thought write one document.  Be detailed or vague.  Then sort these documents in files folders that you label.  This file is for Wednesday’s thoughts, this file’s for anger, or this file’s for my daughter, etc.

Each thought is its own document and you can put as many documents into a file as is necessary.  You can also have a miscellaneous file.  The files go in one of the cabinet’s drawers.  You might want a drawer for home, work, in between or something different.
Thing is you and only you are in control of this file.  No one else has keys.  You make the choices.  You can either create new documents, or open up a file and sort through documents putting them in order, or you can look over and revise one particular document which would create more documents.  If you no longer need a document … choose to throw it away.
Practice control over individual files.  Open files, close files.  Take out just one, or many.  When you are done thinking or processing your files, redirect your attention to something safe and comforting, such as a cup of tea, a warm blanket, or a favorite movie.  Choose options including when and where to explore and when to simply walk away and forget.

Am I being weird again?


Anonymous said...

I could never keep up with a MENTAL file cabinet... but I do write little notes throughout the day; one for each thought. If something pops into my head, I'm afraid I'll lose it, so I write it down and put it in a special pocket in my purse. I have thousands of notes. Sometimes I use them for stories, or poems, or journal entries. Sometimes I just store them indefinitely. And sometimes I throw them away. Maybe it's similar... dunno.

Anonymous said...

Ayn, it reminded me of the Matrix. Nice thought though. Maybe I do have files for th ones I dont want to open...john

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's an interesting way to think of it! I might see if I can make that work. I need all the help I can get keeping it all straight. LOL

Anonymous said...

Donna - We figure we're getting a jump on alzheimers ... just need a "system!"

John - I've heard of the movie matrix, but have not seen it. What happens with the part that is similar?

Slow - We figure we got it covered. In our purse we carry a small note pad, at home we write things out on the one note program and if necessary upload to files to work, then at work we use the lotus organizer and sticky notes for EVERYthing.