Friday, January 30, 2004

Just Lovin You Guys to Pieces

Feeling kinda In a wondering mood this morning. We’ve woken up with time to spare and are thinking various thoughts. This morning while taking our trip around the J-block, there was found such a wide variety of thoughts and images. We have to admit that we’re quite taken with it all.

Let’s see ... John G was slimed by the worm, Erin is still missing to her college life, John S is lamenting over his funny shoes, Penny’s thinking through another move, Jeanne’s tickling deep thoughts, Free’s fretting over her cookie lost to Hunny, Marcia Ellen is upset over the common invocation of God, Kayleen is also missing, d*mn that college life! Steven is a little complexed by the complexities of his new camera, Vivian has vaulted past a birds/bees type Q&A session, Donna is trying to wait patiently after a new job interview, Amy’s being pleased as punch with one of her best friends, Andrew is appreciating a snow day, Slo is claiming victory over another job done well *giggle*, Mia reflects warm images that collectively lead her to sound sleep, Anna’s thinking over the highlights of her math "career," John F has taken a moment to collect himself set free in a backyard wilderness, Rick’s enjoying the true pleasures of a lively life of fatherhood, Muse is challenging us over fantasies of historical relevance, Floralilia is trying to pretend she has other thoughts than VACATION! Berly is recovering nicely and "toying" in great spirit, Bill’s giving thought to putting together a club that excludes people too angry to be civil, and Vince ... hmm, Vince is "tripping" over some memorabilia like thought *Chuckling*

Yep, yep ... everyone is still safe and sound. Give’s my heart great relief!

Ya know, it’s funny ... there is not one day gone by where I haven’t thought each journalers thoughts and stories more and more significant than the day before. I think that what happens in each of your lives to be extraordinary. There is so much that goes into what happens each next day and the day after. It seems a matter of great discovery. We’re always impressed with the quality of material and images people are willing to present and share. I love seeing the kids, the homes, the artwork and the views. I’m awed by the collectivism of the mass journalist process. I think no better of time was there to ever having lived.

Hehehe and at that there is a whole new day on the horizon!


Anonymous said...

Wow!! What a lot of work! I could never do that! A great crossection
of great journals. You deserve a great Day!

Anonymous said...

Well written. This has become a treat for me in the mornings . . .to sit, quietly and read before the chaos of the day begins.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful thoughts! And what a beautiful day it is.

Anonymous said...

p.s. you are a jewel. rare. and sparkly.

Anonymous said...

hey my little many faceted friend - not true. i am thinking of things other than VACATION! what about exploding dead whales and fathers smelling of elderberries while dealing with fermion condensate and insurance premiums!....sheeze... hmmm, i wonder what the current temperature is in Barbados......
(okay, okay, you caught me, i copied and pasted from below - commented in the wrong entry...i have distractions okay!? i wonder how many shoes i need to bring..)

Anonymous said...

It's a comfort coming to a favorite journaler's pages and see that their life hasn't gone down the toilet. If they're OK, we're OK too. Glad to see you in good spirits today, Ayn. You always have the most insightful entries. :)

Anonymous said...

When we really listen to other (here by reading) it is a wonder of life what is out there to share and be part of. The use of Journals removes the assumptions we all make when we are confronted by physical appearance. We can then really listen to and understand the words. I always enjoy what you write. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Awe Vince - not so much work -- just beginning to get a feel of to listening to others. Their stories (and your's) are unqualifyingly beautiful! We just summarize ... (I hope not too quickly)

Irun - Isn't this something?? At one point I thought it would be like a soap opera, but in reality ... we've seen so little negative in the community, it's almost like an adoring and unifying spirit is wrapping us all together!

Anonymous said...

Jeanne - thank you and you were very right - a beautiful day - cept maybe just a slight too-heavily-accented cold breeze here in the windy city. *giggle* remember ... must take gloves out of pocket!

Floralilia - see ... if you're just out here to "pick-up" diamonds you'd have found yourself again distracted! I'm not even dating!

Anonymous said...

Slo - *Giggle* That is one of the reasons you are SO Great! You are like a fisherman mining goldfish in the sometimes toil(et)ing of life! Thomas Harris wrote, "...the fact that he or she is responsible for what happens in the future, no matter what has happened in the past." Maybe this is the beauty of journaling ... we're all much into the next entry!

Anonymous said...

Bill - That seems to be the key ... the listening part! What we are hearing is the pine cone dropping in the forest because its having fallen gives the ground great sense of purpose. The assumptions you speak of could be then like would it matter if the forest's seasons were winter or spring? Not at least here in journaland! And, thanks for returning visits! We find your place another of our homes.

Anonymous said... guys are wonderful! What a great recap and tribute! :) Beautiful. Love you all!

Anonymous said...

O' that lovely camera :-)
Come spring, I'll be ready. Of course I am ready now!

Anonymous said...

Ahh Ms Freeelybee - so happy you'd come by ... Thank you so much for your comments ... we're all (and many others) just lovin the pieces out of you. Your the kind of person we figure should walk with flower petals dropped before you!

Steven you've got us wonderin do you ever especially come fall trek out in those big ol knee length galoshes? We're thinking maybe camoflague too! Shoot, some days you've got us so mystified ... we have you smokin a pipe and warming cognac!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a memory. Amazing that you could do such a recap as that. :-)