Sunday, January 11, 2004

A Quiet Day to Re-coop and Reconcile

We’re still trying to get over our hurt from Friday. We feel slow in resolution.

Yesterday, we were slow in getting down to the office (overslept). When we got there, Sr. Tess opened the door, but we couldn’t bring ourselves to speak with her on work matters. When we got back to our office, we saw that our friend’s things were at his desk.  

We’ve been taught over the years that the best thing to do when feeling this lost and frustrated was to dig into work. So that is what we did. We have 24 clients on our caseload so decided to take it one at a time. We picked up the first file and worked our way through it, especially in regard to his last annual and missing Qnotes.

We figure that between doing this and taking care of others things, we won’t be able to do more than one individual a day. The work will be done 2 ½ weeks before the survey, but it will take the full month to do it, where Sr. Tess is allowing in her mind that it will take two weeks.

To be fair, I don’t know if she realized how critically far behind I was getting by only doing the CARF work. I had left for her Friday night a copy of missing documents to the individual’s file. She wrote back, "how could you get so far behind?"

About 1:30, she came into our office for the first time of the day and was asking us about CARF. Even though she said there was to be no talk of it. It left us feeling confused and somewhat scared.

I can only do one thing at a time well. My work is very good. I can only be pushed so hard.  I don’t handle anger well. Either my own or other people's. I know because of Dr. M. We’ve been doing the best we could do. Most often we spend a good portion of each hour talking about what is happening at work.

It doesn’t make it any easier now ... I know we should be breaking from work for the day. We need time to re-coop. Maybe today, we can do what we enjoy. We like spending time with the journals. Even God said, "Sunday is a day of rest." Monday will be here soon enough. Ok, that’s the plan. Be nice to yourself Mi. We’re all for it!


Anonymous said...

Please relax,take it easy.
Do some things that make you feel good!

Anonymous said...

Shoot V. Did we neglect to say we're sometimes high strung? I know relax, relax...

Anonymous said...

OH sorry things are so rough. :-( I used to work in that same business, and I know how stressful it is readying yourselves for the state audit. (At least it was at our place) Hope all the stress comes to an end soon!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement Donna ... Never thought of that! Probably then, people all over the world also get stressed by state audits? Shoot, sometimes we can get so focussed on just our small part. We'll hope along with you though that it comes to an end soon nonetheless. {{{Donna}}}