The one thing that I can be sure of is my hidden belief that God communicates to me through the Internet. No matter where I am in mood or spirit, he leads me new directions, unfathonable. It is a world lacking poverty of thought. But, Im pretty sure we have a merciful God. He wont leave me dangling for long.
It took me a whole day of trying to relax before he lead me to a site with an article by David Brooks of "The Atlantic." The article is called, "Superiority Complex." He writes, "We are a nation in which almost everybody is above average. We are convinced that we are running our own lives quite well, whereas the idiots around us are screwing up theirs."
Brooks continues to say, "Everybody gets to be an aristocrat now. And the number of social structures is infinite. You can be an outlaw-biker aristocrat, a corporate-real-estate aristocrat, an X Games aristocrat, a Pentecostal-minister aristocrat. You will have your own code of honor and your own field of accomplishment. And everybody can be a snob, because everybody can look down from the heights of his mountaintop at those millions of poor saps who are less accomplished in the field."
This is who weve become ... in a nutshell. I live the credo, "I please me." Cept not all the time. Cuz, the other half of the time, were barely worthy to ... scrape barnacles off a ship. Whoa be it the heights of mountainsheerism. We've again caught ourselves thinking of the beauty of being a big fish in a small pond. Then I step outside this shell and feel overpowered by the omnipotency of life. Here let me show you. Ill look that up ... "omnipotency of life."
Yep, yep ... Within one minute of searching out this truth, I find, "Father Divine." He says, "The knowledge of GOD is greater, is bigger and better. It is mightier because it is OMNIPOTENT. It is an expression in such a conviction. Such a belief in GOD, where GOD HIMSELF being Present, that belief will lift you above your other fellows and establish your going in the Land of the Living, and will give you your real emancipation from every undesirable condition."
What you say? Itll cost $175 to emancipate my soul?? Maybe I should keep looking ... I know the answers are out here. Somewhere ... Cuz I don't have $175 to buy my salvation... I'm pretty sure God's just teasing me here ...
If Salvation could be bought, Dear Ayn, I would hope it would cost more than $175. Funny thing is, I hear it's actually free. :)
Keep looking... I love your entries. :)
Whoa, that sounds like an interesting article! Your entries have been so fascinating to read here lately. A bit abstract and sometimes over my head, but interesting. ;-)
Oh oh ... you know Donna, you might not have been the first to think we're a bit abstract at times. Yeah, abstract works ... better than being "goofy!" Dearest of Slo ... we're really kind of glad to find that salvation is free. 'Cuz between the group of just ourselves it would have been a total cost of $3,500. We're really, really sure that's not in the budget, even if we'd been offered the discount plan!
Hi..Father Divine has been deceased for years.
And you`re right,Ane, It`s sad to think that Pragmatism has taken the place of Morality in the States. {Perhaps not for all}
Thanks for the good information V. Sure hope he had all of HIS dues paid... Corey
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